
更新时间:2023-12-31 17:28:05作者:威海教育网


废墟中的孩子英语作文W5o威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。那么,怎么去写作文呢?以下是小编整理的废墟中的孩子英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。W5o威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

这幅照片是1937年8月28日,日本侵略者轰炸我国上海火车南站时的情景。啼哭的婴儿,倒塌的房屋,使我们不由得仿佛又回到了我们中华民族遭受欺凌的屈辱年代。W5o威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

This picture is the scene of the Japanese invaders bombing the South Railway Station of Shanghai on August 28, 1937. Crying babies and collapsing houses make us feel as if we are back to the humiliating age when the Chinese nation was bullied.W5o威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

这是一个阳光明媚的早晨,这时本应当是学生上学,工人上班,老人和孩子在房前屋后小憩和玩耍的时候。可是由于日军的狂轰乱炸,上海城内的学校和工厂很多已被炸毁,人们已不能正常的上班和上学。W5o威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

This is a sunny morning, when students should go to school, workers go to work, the elderly and children have a rest and play in front of the house and behind the house. However, due to the Japanese bombing, many schools and factories in Shanghai have been destroyed, and people can no longer go to work and school normally.W5o威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

这时的上海火车站,由于北站已成为战区,交通被切断,南站就成了交通的惟一出口,所以上海火车南站,人流拥挤不堪。忽然空中传来飞机的轰鸣声,日本敌机飞来投下大量炸弹。上海火车站顷刻间变成了一片废墟,车站,天桥月台以及铁轨被炸得稀烂。站内的人们死伤无数,地上躺满了横七竖八的尸体。火光中,父母焦急的呼唤着孩子,孩子哭喊着寻找着亲人,炸伤的人们痛苦的呻吟着,废墟中幼儿悲惨的啼哭声更是让人心痛。几分钟前,这个婴儿可能还在妈妈温暖的怀抱中撒娇,手里还玩着爸爸亲手为他做的玩具。几分钟后,侵略者的炸弹顷刻间将这美好的一切都毁灭了。敌机投下炸弹的瞬间,孩子的母亲努力用自己的身体为孩子遮挡住纷飞的瓦砾和弹片,孩子的母亲被炸弹夺去了年轻的生命。侥幸活下来的'孩子已认不出血肉模糊的母亲,他大声的哭喊着。可是眼前没有出现妈妈慈祥的笑脸,更没有爸爸平时那有力的双手来抱起他。孩子那稚嫩的哭声似乎在质问侵略者:你们为什么要这样的残忍,夺走我父母的生命,夺走我幸福的童年,我这么小,我以后将怎样生活啊!W5o威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

At this time, Shanghai railway station, because the north station has become a war zone, the traffic has been cut off, and the south station has become the only exit of traffic, so Shanghai South Railway Station, the flow of people is crowded. Suddenly there was a roar of aircraft in the air, and Japanese enemy planes came and dropped a lot of bombs. The Shanghai railway station was in ruins. The station, the platform of the overpass and the track were blown up. The people in the station were killed and injured, and the ground was full of bodies. In the fire, the parents are anxiously calling the children, the children are crying to find their relatives, the injured people are groaning in pain, the children's sad cry in the ruins is even more heartbreaking. A few minutes ago, the baby may still be in his mother's warm arms, playing with the toys that his father made for him. A few minutes later, the aggressor's bombs instantly destroyed all this good. When the enemy plane dropped the bomb, the mother of the child tried to shield the flying debris and shrapnel with her own body. The mother of the child was killed by the bomb. The child who survived by chance could not recognize the mummy. He cried loudly. But there was no mother's kind smile in front of him, and no father's strong hands to hold him. The child's tender cry seemed to question the aggressor: why do you want to be so cruel, take the life of my parents, take my happy childhood, I am so small, how will I live in the future!W5o威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

是呀,是战争使原本繁华的街市变成了废墟,是战争摧毁了人们原本幸福的家园,是战争打碎了孩子们童年的梦想。愿这样的历史悲剧永远不再重演,让全世界的儿童都能拥有幸福美好的童年,让世界永远充满幸福和欢笑。W5o威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Yes, it was the war that turned the originally prosperous street into ruins. It was the war that destroyed people's original happy home. It was the war that shattered children's childhood dreams. May such a historical tragedy never be repeated again, so that children all over the world can have a happy childhood, and the world will always be full of happiness and laughter.W5o威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站




2023-12-31 15:53



2023-12-31 13:38



2023-12-31 12:28


元旦的作文(精选15篇)在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是小编精心整理的元旦的作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。元旦的作文1星期五下午,我们学校搞了个活动叫“ 庆

2023-12-31 10:38



2023-12-31 09:43


与中秋有关的词语集锦与中秋有关的.词语集锦冰壶秋月 宾饯日月 宾饯日月 冰壸秋月 不日不月霸王风月 百星不如一月 步月登云 闭月羞花 残冬腊月嘲风弄月 嘲风咏月 春花秋月 长年累月 成年累月常年累月 撑霆裂月 蹉跎日月 蹉跎岁月 裁月镂云喘月吴牛 雕风镂月 得月较先 戴月披星 带月

2023-12-31 07:28
