
更新时间:2023-12-31 14:48:05作者:威海教育网


英语励志作文(精选20篇)3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

在平平淡淡的日常中,大家都接触过作文吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的英语励志作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇1

Enjoy that uniquenesss1. You do not have to pretend in order to seem more like someone else. You do not have to lie to hide the parts of you that are not like what you see in anyone else.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

You were meant to be different. Nowhere, in all of history, will the same things be going on in anyone’s mind, soul and spirit as are going on in yours right now. If you did not exist, there would be a hole in creation, a gap2 in history, and something missing from the plan for humankind. Treasure your uniqueness. It is a gift given only to you. Enjoy it and share it! No one can reach out to others in the same way that you can. No one can speak your words. No one can convey your meanings. No one can comfort others with your kind of comfort. No one can bring your kind of understanding to another person.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

No one can be cheerful and light-hearted3 and joyous4 in your way. No one can smile your smile. No one else can bring the whole unique impact of you to another human being. Share your uniqueness. Let it flow out freely among your family and friends, and the people you meet in the rush and clutter of living, wherever you are. That gift of yourself was given to you to enjoy and share. Give yourself away! See it! Receive it! Let it inform you, move you and inspire you! You are unique!3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

翻译:你是独一无二的3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

请欣赏你自己的独特吧!你不用伪装自己以使你看起来和别人一样,也无需掩藏你在别人看来所具有的独特性。 你生来与众不同。现在你所拥有的思想,灵魂,精神是任何时刻、任何地点的其他人都不曾拥有的。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

如果你不存在了,那么上帝的作品中就有了一个缺憾,历史也不再完整,人类发展也有了缺失。 珍惜你所拥有的独特性。这是上天给你的礼物,请欣赏并学会分享它。 没有人能像你一样乐于帮助别人。没有人能像你一样表达自己。也没人能够表达你想传达的意思。没有人能用你所特有的方式来安慰别人。也没有人能够像你一样善解人意。没有人能像你一样感受快乐、无忧无虑,也没有人能像你一样微笑。总而言之,没有人能够把你的特性展示给其他人。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

分享你的独特性吧!尽情地将你的独一无二展示给其他人,英语短文不管是你的亲人和朋友还是你在纷繁复杂的生活中所遇到的路人。请欣赏并分享上帝给你的这份独特的礼物吧。释放你自己! 感知它并且接受它! 听从你的独特性,让它影响你、感动你并且激励你前进! 你是独一无二的!3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇2

If you could choose what kind of world to live in, what kind of world would you choose?3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

If you could decide what would happen tomorrow, with what kinds of things would you fill it? If you had the power to decide what types of opportunities would come your way, what opportunities would you select? If you knew that your experiences would match your expectations, what would your expectations be? In fact, you do have the power to choose your own way.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

You do have the ability to decide what kinds of events, experiences, opportunities and circumstances come your way. The world you experience is the world that your dreams, your thoughts, your expectations and your actions most closely resonate. The world you see and live in is the world you most sincerely expect to see. The universe is filled with endless possibilities, and those possibilities keep growing with every minute. The way you live determines which of those possibilities will come into your life. With your thoughts, your actions, your values, your dreams and expectations, you choose what kind of world you live in. The way you live is closely mirrored in the world you see.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

翻译:如果你可以选择3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

如果你可以选择在什么样的世界里生活,那么你将会选择怎样的世界呢?如果你可以决定明日之事,你将会怎样充实它呢?倘若你有力量决定自己的机遇,你会怎样选择呢?倘若你知道你的经历会如你所愿,那么你会如何期待呢?事实上,你有能力选择你要走的路。是你自己决定你将要做的事、英语短文你将获得的经历、你将得到的机会和你将置身其中的环境。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

你体验的这个世界和你的梦想、思维、期待甚至行为产生共鸣。你看到的世界和你时下生活的这个世界就是你真心期待见到的世界。这个宇宙充满了无限的可能,这些可能每一分钟都在增加。你的生活方式决定了何种可能性会来到你的世界。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

你所选择生活的世界取决于你的想法,你的作为,你秉持的价值理念,你的梦想还有对未来的期待。你有什么样的世界观就会有什么样的生活方式。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇3

Today is an excellent day for small improvements. Whatever is working for you, find a way to improve it just a little. There’s no need to make a huge change, just a small one, something you can do right now. If you called just one additional customer each day, over the course of the next month you would talk to about 20 new people. If you learned just one more new word each day, in the next year you would increase your vocabulary by more than 300 words.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Small improvements can add up over time into big accomplishments. Look around you. Consider the work you do each day. Think about how you could do it just a little bit better. In a marathon race, each step the winner takes is just a little bit longer and a little bit faster than each stride taken by the 100th place finisher. Yet over the course of the race, that small difference adds up in a big way. Do just a little bit more today, and tomorrow too, and each day after that. Anyone can make just a small improvement, and that can make a big, big difference.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

翻译:再多一点点3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

今天就是你可以做改进的极好的一天。无论你在做什么,找一个方法去做一点点的改进。不用做太大的改变,只要一点点——你现在可以做到的一点点。 如果你每天多给一个顾客打电话的话,一个月下来你会发现你又多认识了差不多二十个人。如果每天多学会一个新词,过一年,你的词汇量将会增加300多个。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

小小的改进能够逐步积累成大的成就。观察你的周围。思考你每天所做的工作。英语短文想一下你怎么能做得更好一点。 在马拉松比赛中,冠军的每一步都只比第一百名的选手的步伐大一点点、快一点点。英语短文但是在比赛过程中,那些小小的不同积累成了巨大的区别。 今天、明天、今后的每一天尽力做更多一点点。任何人都能做一点小小的.改进,但那小小的改进将会起到非常大、非常大的作用。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇4

everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.thre time of young is limitted,it may paby without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite .3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

having a view on these great men in the history of hunmanbeing,they all made full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,to the whole mankind,and as a cosquencyanjianggao/e ,they are remembered by later generations,admired by everyone.so do something in the time of young,although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole word,just for youeself,for those around!3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,moet people think they are ugly.and so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and older.so we must treasure it ,don't let the limitted time paby ,leaving nothing of significance.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇5

I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends. I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients. To be a doctor is really great. I think I can be a doctor when I grow up.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Then I can help many people out of danger. I will be the happiest girl in the world. I want to be a reporter when I watch TV every evening. We can get lots of important information from them. They make the world smaller and also make us happy. I would like to be a reporter when I grow up.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

And I can learn a lot about China and the other countries around the world. I can meet many superstars as well. I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can come true one day, because there’s an old saying “where there is a will, there is a way.”3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇6

A young friend of mine asked me in a letter, "What kind of man should I be?" My answer was, "Be a fighter."3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Another friend of mine inquired, "How should I live my life?" Again my answer was, "Be a fighter."3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

The author of In Praise of the Fighter says:3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Riding on the ceaseless rushing torrent of life, I should pursue and overtake it so as to create an even greater and deeper torrent of my own.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

If I were a lamp, it would be my duty to light up thick darkness. If I were the sea tide, I would marshal rolling waves to cleanse the beach of all accumulated filth.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

This quotation reflects aptly the state of mind of a lighter.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Fighters are badly needed in our time. But such fighters do not necessarily go to the battle- field gun in hand. Their weapons are not necessarily bullets. Their weapons may be knowledge, faith and strong will. They can bring the enemy sure death without drawing his blood.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

A fighter is always in pursuit of light. Instead of basking in the sunshine under a clear sky, he holds a burning torch in the darkness of night to illuminate people's way so that they can continue their journey till they see the dawn of a new day. It is the task of a fighter to dispel darkness. Instead of shirking darkness, he braves it and fights the hidden demons and monsters therein. He is determined to wipe them out and win light. He knows no compromise. He will keep on fighting until he wins light.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

A fighter is perennially young. He is never irresolute or inactive. He plunges deep into teeming crowds in search of such vermin as flies and venomous mosquitoes. He will fight them relentlessly and refuse to coexist with them under the same sky. To him, life means nothing but continuous fighting. He either survives by winning light, or perishes with his body covered all over with cuts and bruises. In the course of the struggle, it is the "future" that serves as the beacon light to him; the "future" gives people hope and inspiration. He will never lose his youthful vigour.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇7

You are well aware that you need to exercise to keep the body fit and, no doubt, accept that a reasonable measure of health is the speed in which your heart and respiratory system recovers after exercise. Likewise the faster you let go of an issue that upsets you, the faster you return to an equilibrium, the healthier you will be. The best example of this behavior is found with professional sportspeople. They know that the faster they can forget an incident or missed opportunity and get on with the game, the better their performance. In fact, most measure the time it takes them to overcome and forget an incident in a game and most reckon a recovery rate of 30 seconds is too long!3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage. Your aim is to play your part to the best of your ability. You have been given a script and at the end of each sentence is a ful stop. Each time you get to the end of the sentence you start a new one and although the next sentence is related to the last it is not affected by it. Your job is to deliver each sentence to the best of your ability.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Dont live your life in the past! Learn to live in the present, to overcome the past. Stop the past from influencing your daily life. Dont allow thoughts of the past to reduce your personal best. Stop the past from interfering with your life. Learn to recover quickly.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Remember: Rome wasnt built in a day. Reflect on your recovery rate each day. Every day before you go to bed, look at your progress. Dont lie in bed saying to you, I did that wrong. I should have done better there. No. look at your day and note when you made an effort to place a full stop after an incident. This is a success. You are taking control of your life. Remember this is a step by step process. This is not a make-over. You are undertaking real change here. Your aim: reduce the time spent in recovery.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇8

Life is a long process, we have too many expectations, will inevitably encounter disappointments and frustrations. The ideal on the shelf, come back to find that we like a fish, always thought that I had wings are birds, but finally I know that I can't fly. Life like water, and sometimes cloudy, sometimes clear, we struggle against social this big VAT - "I often feel life owed me, why do people always happiness and joy than yourself?" In the face of setbacks, we complain about life deceives us, we thought there was no hope of their life. We often compared himself to lost the swan, but forget oneself want how to fly.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

As a child, then established the goofy's desire. So many years, has been trying to, in insist, waiting for, has vowed to make yourself proud fly. But the difficulty and the setback already ambush all around, let's get stuck here. We have very strong telling myself, don't because at present small setbacks, but let themselves to give up the dream life? Even if life has deceived me, but this is not fearful; The enemy attack me, also is not terrible, terrible is betrayed our dream and gave up. Even live tired, live hard, also want to insist on your dream, give their best confidence and courage, toward a glorious and brilliant tomorrow. But few people do it?3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

But grew up, social this big cylinder multifarious colors, we see more dazzling. But we think the bottom of my heart has its own principle, can easily be tempted by the outside world? When looking back to the history's dust, always feel oneself still maintain magnanimous feelings from the past, still with his own emotion, but always failed for himself and guilty about ideal life. We should think like this: one failure is nothing, still remains the most quality of the things we do, we insist the dream is still the most valuable. With the accumulation of time, looking at others get summer fruit, they themselves are empty,3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇9

Don't drop than wood sent to mountain, changping bacc the exhaust and the sea. Life is easy to fight old heart not old, is the so-called: never too old to learn, learn seventy also too few. Brief is life, but should not be in a hurry traveler, and it should be: June struggle of passion, such as fire, forward steps if the river waves, in the mountain mountain, the water cut of water! When we failure on the way of life, see more Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, shi tiesheng, Helen Keller... They are art and literature have these, but unfortunately in life. They bowed their heads? The fall? Complain about? Give up?3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

"Ups and downs of life," "I see the road, I will search up and down", "spring breeze willow ten thousand, millions of shenzhou ShunYao" poets are all in the pursuit of exploration. Life, have their own value. If a person can't make my life brilliant, but also have no reason to make it dull; Life can be ordinary, but not vulgar, vice; Life doesn't care about how much tear, and the process of lies in the pursuit of perfection and excellence!3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Life is more precious than time. Life, the most dazzling is career. Life, the most happy is struggle.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Everyone has a tomorrow, everyone has a next year. A foothold today, look forward to tomorrow, based on this year, next year.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

I believe that no matter how bumpy the road in the future, as long as you seize today, sooner or later, will taste the sweetness of life in the struggle. Seize the moment in your life, rather than waste a year in January!3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

The pursuit of positive, one percent of the hope may also become a reality; Passive waiting, ninety-nine percent sure will be ruined!3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇10

Some people in the fierce competition of the rough waves swept away, has never recovered. Some people are against the tuyere, set foot on top, on the shore, they succeeded. Because they have much a stick to it. Forefront for them is not a stumbling block, but padding their own foundation.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Born easy, live easy, life is not easy. Life is a process of life. No wind, no rain? It is because of the baptism of wind and rain to see the colorful rainbow; With the pain of failure will taste the joy of success. Turgenev in the rudin, said: "although our life short and small, but great everything is caused by the hand of the people; a life, realize the lofty mission, that is their supreme happiness in life." We are to create this society, inevitably some injury, through the tears.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Time, fast turn, across one dream magic song.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Life, be about to rush out a way to! In order to cause, in order to struggle in life, despite losing a lot of, but is there will be! And are often more important than lost, it is the value and meaning of life.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Life is long, the years.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

How can we predict the future? But only clear conscience my heart! Life, because there is competition, people have power; Life, because of the struggle, the people to the pursuit of excellence.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Smoke in life, like a cloud, the wind. Transient. "Only the people and the backing car, there is no reverse time and road", since we came to today, and possession of today's social status and responsibility, only forward, forward, forward again! Don't retreat. Young people, more important is to see tomorrow, seize today, forge ahead in the quiet, perhaps before the sun mountain tomorrow, you created a miracle again!3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇11

Everyday of your life,it is important to take the timeto“smelltheroses”—to appreciate the experiences that lead to happiness.This is part of being truly happy.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Happiness is a state of mind.It starts with accepting where you are,knowing where you are going and planning to enjoy every moment a long the way.You know how to be happy,and feel that you have enough time or money or love or what every you need to achieve your goals.Andj ust feeling that3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

you have enough of everything means that you doing deed have enough.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

You have to choose to be happy,and focus upon being happy,inorder to be happy.If you instead focus upon knowing that you will be happy if you achieve something,you will never be happy,as you have notl earned to“smelltheroses”.Their on yis that when you are happy,you are inevitably more productive,and far more likely to achieve what everything-seekers are seeking.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

翻译:幸福是一种思考状态3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

在你生活中的每一天,花些时间“闻闻身边的玫瑰”是十分重要的——停下脚步,品味那些带给你幸福的经历。这是真正快乐的一部分。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

幸福是一种思考状态。当你开始接受自己现在的生活状态,知晓你将来如何发展,并已做好准备享受这过程中的每个瞬间时,幸福便已悄悄来到你身边。你知道如何才能幸福,并感到自己拥有充裕的时间和金钱,足够的爱,和其他任何能够帮助你达成目标的东西。当你感到自己已拥有一切,这才是真正的知足。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

如果你想幸福,就必须去选择它。你需要专注于幸福这件事本身,以使幸福降临。但如果你总是想着,你若能完成某件事就会变得很幸福,那么你将永远无法得到幸福,因为你没有学会“闻闻身边的玫瑰”。而讽刺的是,当你感到幸福美满,你将不可避免地更加富有成就,并更有可能比那些“执着于得到一切的人”拥有3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇12

Look With into Find Happiness3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

How often do you hear people say“I will be happy when…”sucha s“When I get that thing,I will be happy .”“I will be happy when I pass the exam”and“I would be happy if I had more money”.I have heard these things before and I am sure that I will hear the magain.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Many people want to believe that finding happiness is all about finding or gettings omething that they want.However,not many people have ever foundlong-termhappiness bya chieving a goal.There will always bean other thing that they want.There will always bean other exam or another dollar.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

To breakth is vicious cycle,we must find our happiness somewhereelse—with inourselves.In other words,happiness is pletely an inside job.The key to finding happiness is to understand that happiness is achoice rather than the resul to fan experience.We have be engiven everything3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

We need to be happy.Allow yourself to choose happiness.If l few asperfect,would you behappy?Life is perfect because we create it withour3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

choices.Since we can create life,we can create happiness and choose how much better our lives can get!3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Only when we can accept that life is perfect as it is,and that our lives are the sum total of everything that has happened up to this moment,can we accept the joy and the happiness we deserve.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇13

Setbacks are like storms in the weather. When it comes, can you support it? If you can overcome it? Then the rainbows will shine before you. In the face of his mother leaving home, his father was seriously ill, and he shouldshoulder the burden of the whole family and send him to his sister who was not related to him. The revolutionary base of jinggangshan, led by developed from "spark of fire" to a prairie fire, and won the first victory of the revolution. These same things tell us that there are all kinds of setbacks in life, but as long as you don't bend your head and straighten your back, you can move forward without fear of hardship. Setbacks will enable us to give birth to mature, stable temperament, enable us to produce strong and strong will, we grow the vanguard of the soul, so, in the life road, we can make greater progress.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

"Where there is a will, there is a way to make it, to burn the boat, and to the end of the hundred." We just have to have the spirit of being positive, to be successful with our peers.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

挫折就像天气中的急风暴雨,当它到来时,你是否能支撑得住。如果你能战胜?,那么雨后天晴出现的彩虹就会在你面前闪耀。洪战辉面对母亲离家出走,父亲患重病,自己担负起整个家庭的重担,并送与自己无血缘关系的妹妹念书;毛泽东领导的井冈山革命根据地,从“星星之火”发展到燎原之势,取得革命的最初胜利。这些同样告诉我们,人生会遇到各种各样的挫折,但只要不低头,挺直腰杆,就能向前奋进,不再畏惧艰难。挫折能使我们生出成熟、稳健的气质,使我们生出刚毅、坚强的意志,使我们生长着永往直前的灵魂,那么,在人生道路上,我们就能不断取得更大的进步。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

“有志者,事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚;苦心人,天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。”我们就是要有这种积极进取的精神,让成功和我们同行。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇14

Keeping a Dream is an attitude toward life. With dreams, we can overcome different kinds of difficulties in life.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

I usually get discouraged easily when I fail in an exam. My head teacher told me "nothing is difficult if you don't lose heart.". I followed his advice and began to work harder. It was his encouragement that pulled me through. As long as I keep trying, obstacles can become bridges to success.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Besides, it's important for us to protect our dream. Dreams always lead to happiness, and success. Only when we are in pursuit of a dream can we live in a constructive way, can we satisfy our parents and shoulder the future responsibility.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

保持梦想是对生活的一种态度。有了梦想,我们才能克服生活中的各种困难。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

当我考试不及格的时候,我通常很容易泄气。我的班主任告诉我:“如果你不灰心,没有什么是困难的。”我听从了他的建议,开始更加努力地工作。是他的鼓励使我渡过了难关。只要我不断努力,障碍就会变成通向成功的桥梁。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

此外,保护我们的梦想对我们来说很重要。梦想总能带来幸福和成功。只有当我们在追求梦想的时候,我们才能以一种建设性的方式生活,我们才能满足我们的父母,承担未来的责任。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇15

The ellipsis left by god, let life pursue the miracle of the next moment without hesitation. God makes a joke, and we all think of it as divine will, we forget ourselves, and faith is still there.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

What victory can be compared with this victory? Which one of the wars in bonaparna, when the sunshine of the day of Austin, was the glory of this superhuman effort? The triumph that this heart has never gained? An unhappy man, poor, disabled, lonely, a man of pain, the world does not give him joy, but he creates joy for the world! He cast his misery into joy -- the joy of all the proverbs of the soul.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

The pursuit of life is for better survival, the end of survival is for no regrets.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

There is a moment when life is closed, so long as we still love life before we stop breathing, we still yearn for the future, we still look forward to it, and the peak of life is no longer distant.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

The pursuit of true meaning is not what is held in the hand, but whether the heart is sunk by faith.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

上帝留下的省略号,让生命义无反顾地追逐下一刻的奇迹。上帝开的一个玩笑,而我们都把它当成神圣的旨意,我们忘却了自己,而信仰仍在。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

什么胜利可和这场胜利相比?波那帕脱的哪一场战争,奥斯丹列兹哪一天的阳光,曾经达到这种超人的努力的光荣?曾经获得这种心灵从未获得的凯旋?一个不幸的人,贫穷、残疾、孤独、由痛苦构造的人,世界不给他欢乐,他却创造了欢乐给予世界!他用他的苦难铸成欢乐——成为一切心灵箴言用痛苦换来的欢乐。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

生命的追求是为了更好的生存,生存的终结是为了无悔。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

生命终有阖上眼睛的一刻,只要在呼吸停止之前依旧热爱生命,依旧向往未来,依旧心怀期待,生命追求的巅峰便不再遥远。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

真正意义上的追求并不是手中握住了什么,而在于心是否因信仰而变得沉甸。3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇16

In fact, others will think you is what kind of person is not important, important is whether you sure myself. Others will think you is what kind of person is not important, important is whether you before someone else beat you, just lost to yourself!3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

No matter at what time, everyone must value yourself, before people sure you, you have to be sure of yourself!3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Life is the most powerful enemy is yourself, the biggest challenge is to challenge ourselves.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Sure myself, is a triumph of the will.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

To conquer yourself, is a kind of soul.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Control yourself, it is a kind of reason of success.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Create yourself, is a kind of psychological state of sublimation.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Beyond themselves, it is a kind of mature in life.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Who can sure, conquer yourself, control yourself, beyond themselves, have enough power to overcome all the difficult in career and life, all the setbacks, all misfortune.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Of course, we have to admit that is a weakness of human nature, in one's life to the most is overcome others, beyond the others, all things are to be better than others.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇17

Everyone in the process of growth will meet many troubles and setbacks, those all need people and social understanding and tolerance. Our children are more hope that teachers and parents to care for and tolerance we a lot.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

In the process of growth, we could not make mistakes, can't be plain sailing. For example, we study in the school study, I believe that each student's mood is the same want to test a full marks, happily papers to mom and dad will be praised, but often it is not good, why didn't satisfied with the school the teacher will criticize, students will click, home, bowed their heads and not language been disgraced. So the pressure is more and more big, even to the point of unwilling to learn, I hope the teacher and parents don't blame children for grades at that time is not ideal, hope for children to have a tolerant heart. Always encouraged, with the mood to counselling, let your child under the sunshine, slowly grow up, don't worry, knowledge over its reverse.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

I remember when I was a child learned many, have so a words: ", at the beginning of the people, goodness... teach similar sex, your reputation... child does not learn, broken machine express... teach child, the young, keep not to teach, the father of ". Can be seen from the above parents godson method and the truth, why don't we parents can go to the school to visit! Parents don't to hurt their children's self-esteem, every child has his great ideal, but needs to be long care at home, discover, cultivate, tolerance to achieve growth.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇18

We followed in the footsteps of time, day by day grow up, has evolved from a cute girl, growing into a beautiful girl.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Vaguely remember childhood, remember that time my innocence, I always want to grow up quickly, childhood also has sorrow and distress, so children always want to grow up soon.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Childhood is always spent in laughter. Eyes closed slowly, see picture in the brain, father, mother and four years old I see the photos together, a family full of happy smile on her face, then suddenly I found that only a few pictures of me in the picture, the in the mind think like this. Inadvertently found that there is a camera on the table, I suddenly stood up, took the camera to the desk, suddenly fell to the ground, said: "don't let your camera!" Mother's smile, dad's helpless, don't understand at that time. Children, always such a simple thought that the question, ask the reason, only know the result.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Eyes slowly opened and looked in the mirror, is a vibrant and energetic girl, think the past memories, or when a child is better. A little sour, a little sweet girl, can let we know our friends, parents, teachers, painstaking could take our time to study, parents always said in the future, the teacher always said in the future, sometimes we really tired, want to a person be quiet. Now I understand why the study well, because if you give up learning today, tomorrow there will be a good company and you said goodbye, so for the sake of your future, efforts to do every thing.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇19

God gives us the same precious life, but give us different life attitudes and strange life forms. High overhead, someone domination; Someone beneath humble, yes. Some clever perspicacity, fame; Someone intelligent, life doing nothing. The world because of the variety show is rich, because different society and with the color.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Maybe your mind isn't agile, talent is inferior to others; Maybe your clothes, simple than others luxurious riches and honor; Maybe you are born in poverty, compared with others is famous for the door... If you're just being a member of the ordinary, in everything that makes you almost did not dare to face, then you are in the strong tall in the shadow of pain, since unwilling to mediocrity, or out of the darkness, looking for a piece of sunshine for yourself? Pain is the shadow of the pessimist, kind-hearted optimists will deliberately turned, look for to belong to own a piece of bright sunshine. As Chekhov said, the dog will shout loudly!3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

Our life is very ordinary, ordinary like a stone, not smooth on the surface of the mei-yu, cannot reflect the crystal brilliant charming luster. But we should not also can't so deny yourself, because we all have god to mankind, have innate tenacity and penetrate into the bone marrow of tough, how can because the mei-yu, the existence of the crystal and feel inferior? We must live for themselves. Live out their own color, not because the light of others masked humbled himself.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

英语励志作文 篇20

In China, there is no doubt that English is very important, because it has been the indispensable subject for students to learn since they go to school.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

As our economy develops so fast and our country plays the more and more important role in the world, a lot of foreigners have started to learn mandarin. There is even a big TV show for foreigners to compete to be the one who speaks mandarin best. I have watched the show, I am so impressed that the foreigners can speak mandarin so well, for mandarin is such difficult to learn. My foreign teachers told me that so many people in their countries wanted to know more about China and they were interested in our culture.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站

The popularity of mandarin shows that our country has become stronger. We should be proud of that.3y7威海教育网 - 专业的学习资源分享网站





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